Speaking Out in Concert Against Human Rights Violations in India

On 10 December 2021, International Human Rights Day, InSAF India members joined with members of many other diasporic and other organisations outside as well as inside India in solidarity with those who have been branded “anti-national” for speaking out about the long-standing and increasingly abysmal situation of the violations of human rights of Indian citizens by the state itself. The joint press release is reproduced below the images of people across the world holding one common and many related posters.

Press release, 10 December 2021

On Human Rights Day 2021, Indian diaspora and International Human Rights Groups unite to condemn growing attacks on human rights in India.

Individuals and members of diaspora groups and International Human Rights organizations across over 15 countries, alarmed at the extent to which human rights and democracy itself are eroding in India, came together for a global campaign today on Human Rights Day to send out a common message to India:


Posters with this slogan were displayed in numerous cities around the world including Paris, Sydney, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, Cape Town, Tokyo, New York and Amsterdam.

Explaining why this common slogan is so needed today, Alena Kahle, from Foundation The London Story, based in the Hague, said: "We find it empowering to see so many members of the Indian diaspora, and even partners and allies, come together to make this strong statement. We are raising our voices as Indian diaspora and allies to highlight that India - just like every country - needs a free press, and needs youth, Dalit, Muslim and all kinds of activists, because we can only guarantee the best possible world for all if everyone can speak."

Speaking on the importance placed on global solidarity by Amnesty International, Michael Gottlob, from the India Coordination Group (IndienKoGruppe) at Amnesty Germany said, “The utopian idea of solidarity across boundaries still inspires millions of Amnesty activists from many countries in the world. That's why we are glad to join the common protest on human rights day. Let's make sure that the world is watching India - as Indians are watching the world. So that the movement for human rights will become truly global.”

Expressing the pride and hope that the Australian diaspora feels about it’s native country, Dr Haroon Kasim, Co-Founder of The Humanism Project based in Australia, said, “We stand proudly as Indians who will speak out loudly against any efforts to compromise or threaten India’s proud history of diversity, inclusiveness or her democratic values. Governments will come and go but we remain committed to standing up and protecting India’s proud multicultural, multi religious, multilingual and democratic ethos. We will not have it any other way”.

Speaking specifically as a Hindu, Sunita Viswanath from Hindus for Human Rights-USA asserted, “We are progressive Hindus who respect the egalitarian and inclusive principles in the Indian constitution. For us, "vasudhaiva kutumbakam" means a world where no one is superior to another (which means an end to caste), and all live in peace and harmony. We call on the Indian citizenry -- particularly the Hindu majority -- to wake up to horrors taking place before their eyes, and remove Hindutva hatred from their hearts and their government”.

Making powerful connections between the situation in India today with the conditions in South Africa under apartheid, Usuf Chikte on behalf of People Against Apartheid and Fascism said, “India and the rest of the world called for the release of Nelson Mandela, jailed for 27 years on Robben Island, off the coast of South Africa, by another oppressive regime. South Africans are all too familiar with state repression, plight of political prisoners, violation of human rights and the value of international solidarity. We believe that an injury to one is an injury to all. We call for the Indian government to stop criminalising human rights advocacy. Repeal the UAPA. Stop detention without trial. Cease persecution of dissenters. Respect human rights, rights to freedom of speech, belief, and association. Disagreeing with the dominant party's ideology and policies does not make an individual a criminal."

Capturing the overall alarming institutional decline with respect to human rights, a spokesperson from US-based India Civil Watch International said, "Every single government authority, whose job it is to safeguard human rights, has actively undermined them. Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, NSA Ajit Doval, CDS Bipin Rawat, and even the National Human Rights Commission itself have made statements that attack the very concept of human rights and the organizations that work to uphold them. Given this toxic atmosphere within India, it is crucial for the diaspora to raise their voice against this dangerous backsliding."

Together diaspora groups and international human rights organizations express our solidarity with those unjustly persecuted by the Indian state. We advocate for the repeal of harmful laws that are criminalising the defence of human rights and jailing human rights defenders. The targeting of youth, activists, journalists, lawyers, academics is the sign of the dangers to all free-thinking Indians who bravely stand up against the state.

Released by,

Aaotearoa Alliance of Progressive Indians (AAPI), New Zealand

Anti-Caste Discrimination Alliance (ACDA), UK

Civicus, Global

Coalition of Seattle Indian Americans, USA

Dalit Solidarity Forum, USA

The Humanism Project, Australia

Foundation The London Story, Europe

Hindus for Human Rights, USA

India Civil Watch, USA

India Justice Project, Germany

India Solidarity Finland, Finland

India Solidarity Germany, Germany

Indian American Muslim Council, USA

IndienKoGruppe - Amnesty International, Germany

International Solidarity for Academic Freedom in India (InSAF India), Global

Justice for All, USA

Liberal Indians France, France

London Mining Network, UK

People Against Apartheid and Fascism, South Africa

Scottish Indians for Justice, Scotland

Solifonds, Switzerland

South Asia Solidarity Group, UK

South Asian Left Activist Movement (SALAM), USA

Students Against Hindutva Ideology (SAHI), USA

Turbine Bagh, UK

Odhikar, Bangladesh

PEN America and Artists At Risk Connection, USA


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