This is undoubtedly a state murder!

When crime, justice, and punishment become weaponized by a state founded on oppression and violence, those who become the voice of the oppressed are either imprisoned or killed. These murders occur under the guise of constitutionality, legality, and judicial process. Meanwhile, people without a conscience silently approve of these atrocities.

What crime did Prof. Saibaba commit? Why was he kept in solitary confinement for ten years? Ten years of relentless torture. After which the state eventually admitted that he had committed no crime.

Before his imprisonment, Saibaba had no health issues. It was the inhumane conditions of prison that completely destroyed his health. This is exactly what the state wanted: to push him to an irreversible state or to kill him. This is what was done to Pandu Narote and Father Stan Swamy. The state has pushed many political prisoners, illegally detained in the Bhima Koregaon conspiracy case, to the brink of death.

After being released, Saibaba gave interviews to numerous national and international media outlets and human rights organisations. In all these conversations, he never expressed self-pity, never asked, “Why did this happen to me?” To those who showed sympathy for his disability and the harsh conditions he faced in prison, he boldly said, “I don’t need sympathy, I need solidarity.” A true fighter, he never glorified himself, never showed any signs of fear or despair. He believed everything he did was part of his revolutionary practice for the greater good of society.

In a Telugu interview, Saibaba was asked, “You were imprisoned for ten years just for speaking about Adivasi rights. Why are you still talking about them now?” His response still echoes in my ears: “If someone who considers themselves civilized doesn’t speak for the oppressed Adivasis, then that civilization itself is meaningless.”

As Saibaba departs, he leaves us with a question to reflect on: our intellectual pride, self-praise, illusions of development, and fears. As a civilized and humane person, where do you stand in the ultimate war that the Sanatan corporate state is waging against the Adivasis? What will be the fate of Dalits, Bahujans, religious minorities, and women in the ‘New India’ (which in essence is a Sanatan India) that this regime dreams of? Perhaps Saibaba came (as he said, from a small prison to a larger one) and left us with this challenge.

Despite his many health issues, he spoke with hundreds of people, made numerous plans, and had much more to write. He was eager to return to the classroom and teach again. Though those plans may come to a halt, the path he chose and the courage he showed will never cease.

Shame on you, state! You killed a humanitarian. You may have physically eliminated Prof. Saibaba, but do you have the power to kill his spirit? From Socrates to Antonio Gramsci to Saibaba, you have killed countless public intellectuals and activists. But you have never been able to nor will ever be able to erase their paths. Do you not know what history tells us? In the ultimate struggle, the people will emerge victorious!

Salutes to Prof. G. N. Saibaba, the immortal humanist who fought for the oppressed of this land! As long as there are people who care for their fellow humans and for nature, you will live on.

Long live Prof. Saibaba!

We may not be able to walk in your procession, but we and others will continue to walk the path you have traversed!

One of Your Comrades


Prof GN Saibaba, We Salute You Comrade


Dear Doctors,